Friday, 21 February 2020

Shaheed Minar does not have 5 percent government primary school in the country

Shaheed Minar does not have 5 percent government primary school in the country

 In order to pay homage to the memory of the martyrs of the language, Shaheed Minar does not have 5 percent government primary school in the country.

 According to the data of the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), the number of government primary schools in the country is 6,220.  Shaheed Minar has 9,4 elementary schools.

 According to the DPE's annual report, in some districts of the country, 5 percent of the government primary schools do not have martyr minarets.

 The teachers and district education officials of the schools are talking about the shortage of funds as a reason for not having a martyr minar in the school premises.  However, the reason for the lack of martyrdom in the city's schools is the reason for the place crisis.

 International Mother Language Day is celebrated all over the world on February 23, every year to commemorate the glorious and memorable Banyan language movement of the Bengali nation.

 Although there are public holidays, all public and private schools in the country are open on this day.  People of all walks of life march in the morning to pay flowers at the Shaheed Minar in memory of the martyrs of the language.

 In schools that do not have martyr minarets, temporary martyr minarets are created.  Cultural events are held throughout the day in schools to commemorate the martyrs of the language.  Students, teachers, education officials all celebrate International Mother Language Day in schools.

 The number of students at Champa Parul Government Primary School in Mirpur is 25.  Students have told The Daily Star that they do not have martyr minarets at the school.

 Mohammed Rahim, a fourth-grader at the school, said they attended a cultural event on February 25.  But, since there is no martyr minaret in the school premises, language martyrs are not paid homage with flowers.

 School teacher Suraiya Majumdar said that the Shaheed Minar could not be built in the school premises because there was no space.

 This image is not only in the Champa Parul Government Primary School.  Under the Dhaka Division, 5 percent of the 9,4 government primary schools do not have martyr schools.

 The lowest martyr minarets are in the primary schools of Chittagong Division.  About 5 percent of the department does not have martyr minarets in government primary schools.

 Thakurgaon is in the highest position among the districts which do not have the martyr minaret.  Of the six government primary schools in the district, Shahid Minar does not have a percentage of schools.

 Of the 5,900 primary schools in Bhola district, 3 percent do not have martyr minarets.  In the Meherpur district, 52 percent of the total government primary school students are deprived of the Shaheed Minar.

 However, Nikhil Chandra Haldar and Fazle Rahman, Primary Education Officers of the two districts, said that setting up of Shaheed Minar in schools should be made compulsory.

 Fazle Rahman said, "Students will see it every day if the Shaheed Minar is set up in the school premises.  In addition to gaining knowledge about the movement of language from textbooks, they can also gain knowledge. ”

 "There is no allocation from the government for the construction of the Shaheed Minar," he added.

 Why need Shaheed Minar in the school premises?

 The linguists and academics have stressed the need for martyr minar in schools to give students a clear idea of ​​the history of language movement and its significance.

 Ahmed Rafiq, a linguist, told The Daily Star, "The educational institutions of the country were the backbone of the language movement."  All educational institutions should have a martyr minaret. ”

 According to him, “Through this, students will learn about the history of language movement.  The memorial designed for the martyrs will inspire their patriotism from childhood. ”

 Ahmad Rafiq complained that authorities were indifferent to the construction of the Shaheed Minar.  "People of the education department think that Bangla has already achieved the status of a state language, it is not necessary to remember the history of the language movement," he said.

 Sirajul Islam Chowdhury, emeritus professor at Dhaka University said, "It is unfortunate that so many schools do not have martyr minarets.  The events of the language movement are a source of inspiration for our nationalism and democratic struggles and the liberation war of Bangladesh. ”

 “People are slowly forgetting the significance of the language movement.  They are no longer treating the Shaheed Minar as a symbol of pride as the education of respect for history has diminished.  This is not an isolated incident.  Rather, it is a manifestation of their attitude, ”he added.

 Officials with the Department of Primary Education (DPE) have told The Daily Star that they are already planning to set up a martyr minaret in all government primary schools in the country.

 DPE Director General.  "We will set up Shaheed Minar in all the schools," said Fasiullah.  The school authorities will be able to construct it with a grant under the DPE's 'School Level Improvement Plan' project. ”

 The language movement started in the 5th to demand Bangla as one of the official languages ​​of Pakistan.  On 12 February (1 Phalgun, 1 Bangla year), the police opened fire on those who came to the movement.  A number of students, including Abul Barkat, Abdul Jabbar and Abdus Salam, were killed in the shootings.  Soon after, Bangla was recognized as one of the official languages ​​of Pakistan.

 The spirit which stimulated the Bengalis to establish the mother tongue in the seat of state dignity with blood, is recognized internationally by crossing the boundaries of the country today.  UNESCO declared February 26 as International Mother Language Day to celebrate the linguistic rights of ethnic groups worldwide and to pay tribute to the martyrs of the language movement.  Since then, every year since 20 February, International Day has been celebrated as Mother Language Day.

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