According to a report by CNN Online, citing doctors treating people infected with coronavirus, if a person suffering from Covid-19 suffers from shortness of breath, he can be laid on his back to increase the supply of oxygen naturally. This method is called ‘prone positioning’.
Dr. Narasimhan said that this process works 100%. This is a very easy way. We see that the patient is improving tremendously.
Massachusetts General Hospital ICU Director. “You want to do the same thing over and over again when you see it working this way,” said Katherine Hibbert. And when a severe patient suffering from Covid-19 suffers from shortness of breath, lying on his back, it acts as a tonic.
Many patients with coronavirus suffer from severe shortness of breath. With this, if the person has pneumonia or any other complex disease, it becomes difficult to save him.
Seven years ago, a group of French doctors published a study in the New England Journal of Medicine. They showed that patients with shortness of breath who were placed on a ventilator had their chances of death greatly reduced by lying on their backs.
Doctors in the United States are already treating with this method. This method is now being used more in the country during the coronavirus epidemic.A New York hospital found that a coronavirus patient's oxygen supply increased from 85 percent to 96 percent after he was put to bed.
Patients who are on a ventilator are usually bedridden for 18 hours a day. Experts believe that it is easier for the patient to get oxygen if he is lying on his back. But when you lie down on your back, the supply of oxygen is interrupted
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