Saturday 11 July 2020

No more worries about the corona virus

The competition for the vaccine against coronavirus is now in full swing. Discussions have also started on which company will bring the vaccine first. However, experts say that in order to decide how and when to bring the vaccine, various factors such as the safe side and effectiveness of the vaccine should be taken into consideration.
The University of Oxford in England is well ahead in the race to develop a potential vaccine. Top scientists at the World Health Organization have also cited the Oxford vaccine as a pioneer. The price will be affordable. The results of the third phase of the Oxford-made vaccine will be known by the end of August, according to a report in the British magazine The Economist. Whether the vaccine will protect against the 12 million people infected with the coronavirus worldwide depends on the results of the test.
The Economist says that once the test is successful, regulators will approve the vaccine for emergency use. In other words, those who are high risk patients will get the vaccine by October.
According to Australia's, the British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is building a supply chain to supply the Oxford vaccine quickly and widely internationally. Officials at the company say the vaccine will need multiple tests to get full approval. Full approval could be obtained early next year.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the vaccine competition as the most important partnership effort of our lives. Researchers at Oxford, led by Professor Sarah Gilbert, developed a vaccine based on a drug that had previously been effective in treating similar viruses. They have quickly begun large-scale human testing. Kate Binham, chairman of the UK Vaccine Task Force, said Oxford was far ahead in vaccine development. Other vaccines may begin vaccinating Oxford long before their effectiveness is tested.
AstraZeneca says they have already received orders for 200 million doses of the vaccine. The cost of each dose of vaccine can be equal to the price of one cup of coffee. AstraZeneca chief executive Pascal Sariot said their vaccine would be able to protect against Covid-19 for up to a year. If all goes well, the results will be known in August or September. Vaccine production continues as well as waiting for the vaccine to bear fruit. If all goes well, the vaccine supply can start in October.

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