Saturday 11 July 2020

Coroner gave the good news about the vaccine

Corona virus has spread in the form of a global epidemic. Scientists all over the world are doing everything possible for an effective vaccine to get rid of this deadly virus. Yet a vaccine does not match.

However, researchers are optimistic about some vaccines. One of them is the vaccine from Oxford University in Britain. It is the most advanced of the hundreds of vaccines.

This time Oxford University gave good news about this vaccine. They said that if all goes well, their vaccine will be available in October. And the price of this tick will be equal to the price of just one cup of coffee.

Not just Oxford, but Pfizer, a US pharmaceutical company, gave such good news two days ago. The US company has claimed that they will also bring the vaccine in October.

But ahead is the Oxford Corona vaccine. Their vaccine is now in the third phase of experimental application. The outcome or effectiveness of the third phase of the vaccine will be known by the end of August. Regulators will approve the vaccine for emergency use only if evidence of success is found in the test. That means high-risk patients will get the vaccine by October.

Kate Binham, chairman of the UK Vaccine Task Force, said Oxford was far ahead in vaccine development. Other vaccines may begin vaccinating Oxford long before their effectiveness is tested.

AstraZeneca, a British pharmaceutical company, is already building a supply chain to quickly deliver the Oxford vaccine internationally. Officials at the company say they have already received orders for 200 million doses of the vaccine. The cost of each dose of vaccine can be equal to the price of one cup of coffee.

AstraZeneca chief executive Pascal Sariot said their vaccine would be able to protect against Covid-19 for up to a year. If all goes well, the vaccine supply will start in October.

But ahead is the Oxford Corona vaccine. Their vaccine is now in the third phase of experimental application. The outcome or effectiveness of the third phase of the vaccine will be known by the end of August. Regulators will approve the vaccine for emergency use only if evidence of success is found in the test. That means high-risk patients will get the vaccine by October.

Kate Binham, chairman of the UK Vaccine Task Force, said Oxford was far ahead in vaccine development. Other vaccines may begin vaccinating Oxford long before their effectiveness is tested.

AstraZeneca, a British pharmaceutical company, is already building a supply chain to quickly deliver the Oxford vaccine internationally. Officials at the company say they have already received orders for 200 million doses of the vaccine. The cost of each dose of vaccine can be equal to the price of one cup of coffee.

AstraZeneca chief executive Pascal Sariot said their vaccine would be able to protect against Covid-19 for up to a year. If all goes well, the vaccine supply will start in October.

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