Saturday 11 July 2020

Corona said the cause of death

Many are commenting that the novel coronavirus is getting weaker than before. The number of deaths due to the new virus is also decreasing.

Explaining the reason, Indian cardiologist Kunal Sarkar said, "Looking at a few incidents, this issue cannot be emphasized." However, reading the history of the epidemic, it is known that after attacking people for a few months, the mortality rate decreases as our body somewhat compromises with the deadly power of germs.

However, he said that if the power of the epidemic virus is underestimated, the rules and regulations should be lifted.

Ashok Sengupta, a lung specialist in India, said it was not time to test the potential for the Kovid-19 virus. If Arera goes a week, there may be some speculation about the matter.

"The way we doctors were disoriented with the newly-identified virus called Kovid-19 in March-April is no longer the case," he said. The most serious aspect of the character of the virus is paralysis of the lungs, so we had no special weapon in our hands except to rely on a ventilator at the beginning of the infection.

Ashok Sengupta said that after learning about the blood clots in the respiratory tract of the victims of the virus attack, the problem of shortness of breath is being largely prevented with blood thinners.

Arindam Biswas, a doctor of internal medicine in India, said, "People who do not have other chronic diseases and are younger, may have fever, cough and a little body, arm and leg pain as symptoms of Kovid-19 infection." But that doesn't mean we should take Corona lightly. "

He said Arindam Babu felt that a lot of research and data analysis was needed before he could say for sure whether the virus was losing power.

The doctor warned that if the power of the virus is reduced now, there will be a tendency among the common people not to follow the hygiene rules. This can lead to out-of-control infections.

"People who have co-morbidity, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or heart disease, and are over 60 years of age, are at risk of contracting the virus and are at risk of death," said Arindam.

Kunal Sarkar said that as many epidemics or epidemics have taken place in the last one thousand years, at the beginning of its terrible power, people also died. But gradually the virus becomes somewhat weaker, again the human body develops some resistance against the virus. Although it is not yet time to say anything definite about it. But maybe the Novelcrona virus is about to reach that stage.

"Thousands of people were being infected and dying before doctors knew what to do at the beginning of the Covid-19 epilepsy," he said. That matter has largely diminished. We have some weapons to suppress the virus. At the same time, the virus is changing their character. '

Arindam believes, ‘People’s awareness about Corona has increased a lot from before. As a result, people go to the doctor as soon as they see few symptoms. In addition, due to the low load of the virus due to the use of masks, the symptoms of some people are not getting worse than the five viral fevers.

However, doctors agree that it is inappropriate to go anywhere without a mask or to increase the crowd because the power of the virus has decreased. It will be easier to prevent infections other than the novel coronavirus if you follow the rules of health such as washing your hands with soap and wearing a mask according to the rules

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