Friday 28 February 2020

The most popular smartphone, newsbazar2. Net

In the present world, the reign of Android smartphone is underway. More than 80% of the world's smartphones are running Android operating systems. Samsung, Apple, Vivo, Realme and even Google itself have introduced the Android smartphone to the market.
Wondering which of these devices is the best-selling phone?
According to market research firm Amedia, the most popular Android smartphone is currently made by Samsung, a South Korean company.
The entry-level Galaxy 10 smartphone was the highest-selling Android smartphone in the market last year. However, last year's best-selling phone is back on the iOS platform.
The iPhone XR model has been the headline of the news since it came to market in the 2018 st.
It has been recognized as the world's largest selling smartphone. The iPhone XR model has come to market in 4 million units. The iPhone 11 is second in the smartphone market with less than 90 million units sold

According to the report titled Amadea Smartphone Model Market Tracker, Apple occupies first and second place in the smartphone market. Then Android-based smartphone maker Samsung won.
The third, fourth and fifth place in the market is the South Korean company. The list of best-selling phones includes the Galaxy A10, A50 and A20 models.
The A10 model has been sold for 3 crore 3 lakhs, the A50 model has been sold for 2 crore 42 lakh and the A20 model has been sold for 2 million units. Last year, the iPhone 11 was sold at 3.73 million units.
Apple is the sixth position in the market.
The iPhone 11 Pro Max is in the sixth position in the market, with a sales of 8.5 million units. After that, the iPhone 5 in the next position with sales of 10 million units.

According to information from the tech website NintuFiveMac, Apple's smartphone sales have been declining for the past two years, even though smartphone sales are in the top spot. Apple has reduced sales of 9.5 percent in the first quarter and 9.5 percent in the 27th.
Shammy's Redmi Note 4 model was ranked number one on the list, despite Apple and Samsung winning the smartphone in the top 20. Note 1 million units have been sold in 23 years

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